Tuesday, August 9, 2011

*inster a whistle*

In other news: I'm done packing, (not really!! Every time I close the suitcase I find something that I forgot to put in....)...
I haven't finished my school stuff either which is due by tomorrow, which is a disaster, but at least I found out that I will never become a designer of any kind!!!!!!
This week is going to be intense, I have never had a problem with jet-lack(word butcherer), but I know for sure this time will be different.
I fly out tomorrow morning and will arrive in Germany on Thursday around 7am, (the trick to avoid jetleck: do not go to bed until it is about 10pm at your location)which means I will arrive at the apt at around 9ish.
At 11am we will start to prepare stuff for my sisters bridal-shower which will very likely last till late at night.
Friday will be part one of the Wedding, it is custom in Germany that the church and the notary part of the wedding are on different days. So Friday we'll go to get those two married off in-front of the judge, after that there will be a celebration with the couple, parents, siblings and maid of honor and best man. Saturday is the day of the actual wedding: 6am shower blablabla, 7.30am: hair, nails and makeup for bride (which I have to do, oh joy wait for the disaster to happen), getting bride dressed and off to the Church....4pm party....
Sunday school stuff and other crap, family stuff and what not Monday morning: Flight back, 7pm picking up dog and cat and than my week goes on as normal :) back to a regular schedule woopdidoo..
As you can see I will be running on very little sleep (not that I had much over last few days thanks to my meds which give me insomnia....btw have you ever flown w/ an ear infection?? trust me this is no joke, the pain is gonna be bad lol) There will only be movies on that I hate or I've seen and I have the worst seat possible...I'm gonna be one cranky lil person watch out and I'd advise you to stay far away from me :)

Monday, August 1, 2011

ui with the poodles already

The last few weeks have been pretty exhausting and exiting all at ones.
My sister just got back from her 6mth mission trip in Africa, she stayed with us for 2 weeks and is now safely back in good ol' Germany .
Those two weeks involved everything wedding related you can think of, and if I ay everything I mean EVERYTHING!!
I am excited for her but it does get kind of annoying, all the wedding talk, dress shopping (for us, she bought hers month ago) and the Bridezilla part.
Since her Husband (in one week) is currently living in Germany they decided it would be better to get married over there, which means we have to fly out too and thats the stressful part (not the raveling I enjoy that part actually).
I am in college still and wont get time of which means I am missing a lot and have to turn in everything over a week before its due, which turns 4 projects into 8 (1 project 4 to 8hrs= 16+ hrs, and all this in 1 week or less).
I'm about to loose it, but she"ll be happy so all that crap on the side is well worth it.
1 Sibling down 2 more to go, I actually always have wanted more sibs but I guess now I happy my parents ended the childbearing when they did :).
I'm just hoping to not catch the brides flower thingy again, hm...or maybe I do they say the third time is a charm right?
So thats my over tired update I'm back working and hope I'll survive it all in one piece ;)
Take care and have a fantastic week!!