Friday, October 7, 2011

October= Anti-Bullying month

Since it's Anti-Bullying month I thought this would be a good day and reason to blog ;-p
This is more like a thank you blog to everyone ( "normal" people, celebrities and whoever else) trying to raise awareness.
Why am I giving my thanks? Well it's a subject close to my heart, because little old me was a victim of bullying in High-school.
Unfortunately I wasn't bullied like most people are, unfortunately-because my bullying came from people a kid should be able to trust and run to.
I was bullied by adults, my own teachers ...(sure I was bullied by other kids, but never took it seriously because I learned (being a kid myself) that most children are mean, and most often them don't even mean what they say, they do it to look tough), but if a teacher hurts you (with words) especially one you liked and trusted it cuts deeper then anything else.
I did not have anyone I could confine in, there was no one to stand up for me, sure I could trust my parents, but for some unknown reasons I was too afraid.
Back in my teenage days bullying wasn't a big issue or it wasn't much talked about as it is now a days....the number grows and I am truly thankful for people standing up, people that are well known and use their fame for the good!
I am glad that kids (especially in times like this) have artists that they can look up, artists to that have a positive influence and view of live...we don't have many like those which is sad.
I am thankful for teenagers that stand up against bullies and help their peers, even if it means they might end up being outcasts and not so popular anymore (stay above the influence!!!)..I am thankful for the few parents out there that still take parenting serious and teach their kids good values...and show their kids that no matter what religion, color, orientation-WE are all the same-, we are all one Race!! We should stick together!
That was my lil 2cents about that ;p
The last thing I wanna say, If you haven't done your good deed for today do so now
Talented Singer/Songwriter Alexz Johnson is releasing her Music Video to
"Look at those eyes" today (my all time fave song) , she is offering a free download of the song for a very good cause, so I want to encourage you to download that song
you will find more details here:

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

*inster a whistle*

In other news: I'm done packing, (not really!! Every time I close the suitcase I find something that I forgot to put in....)...
I haven't finished my school stuff either which is due by tomorrow, which is a disaster, but at least I found out that I will never become a designer of any kind!!!!!!
This week is going to be intense, I have never had a problem with jet-lack(word butcherer), but I know for sure this time will be different.
I fly out tomorrow morning and will arrive in Germany on Thursday around 7am, (the trick to avoid jetleck: do not go to bed until it is about 10pm at your location)which means I will arrive at the apt at around 9ish.
At 11am we will start to prepare stuff for my sisters bridal-shower which will very likely last till late at night.
Friday will be part one of the Wedding, it is custom in Germany that the church and the notary part of the wedding are on different days. So Friday we'll go to get those two married off in-front of the judge, after that there will be a celebration with the couple, parents, siblings and maid of honor and best man. Saturday is the day of the actual wedding: 6am shower blablabla, 7.30am: hair, nails and makeup for bride (which I have to do, oh joy wait for the disaster to happen), getting bride dressed and off to the Church....4pm party....
Sunday school stuff and other crap, family stuff and what not Monday morning: Flight back, 7pm picking up dog and cat and than my week goes on as normal :) back to a regular schedule woopdidoo..
As you can see I will be running on very little sleep (not that I had much over last few days thanks to my meds which give me insomnia....btw have you ever flown w/ an ear infection?? trust me this is no joke, the pain is gonna be bad lol) There will only be movies on that I hate or I've seen and I have the worst seat possible...I'm gonna be one cranky lil person watch out and I'd advise you to stay far away from me :)

Monday, August 1, 2011

ui with the poodles already

The last few weeks have been pretty exhausting and exiting all at ones.
My sister just got back from her 6mth mission trip in Africa, she stayed with us for 2 weeks and is now safely back in good ol' Germany .
Those two weeks involved everything wedding related you can think of, and if I ay everything I mean EVERYTHING!!
I am excited for her but it does get kind of annoying, all the wedding talk, dress shopping (for us, she bought hers month ago) and the Bridezilla part.
Since her Husband (in one week) is currently living in Germany they decided it would be better to get married over there, which means we have to fly out too and thats the stressful part (not the raveling I enjoy that part actually).
I am in college still and wont get time of which means I am missing a lot and have to turn in everything over a week before its due, which turns 4 projects into 8 (1 project 4 to 8hrs= 16+ hrs, and all this in 1 week or less).
I'm about to loose it, but she"ll be happy so all that crap on the side is well worth it.
1 Sibling down 2 more to go, I actually always have wanted more sibs but I guess now I happy my parents ended the childbearing when they did :).
I'm just hoping to not catch the brides flower thingy again, hm...or maybe I do they say the third time is a charm right?
So thats my over tired update I'm back working and hope I'll survive it all in one piece ;)
Take care and have a fantastic week!!

Friday, June 17, 2011

Alive, 25 and kicking

Well after seeing some of my grades maybe not so much anymore.....
Yeaya I was kind of slacking this quarter shoot me, I'm not the youngest anymore!!! Girl just got tired in the end and needed a break.
I was always one of those trying to reach an almost perfect score (only In college, I hated HS) but I guess unless you carry my cousins last name or my older sisters first name that ain't possible.
I'm going to Art college and although being book-smart is a must, being creative is more important.
The creative ideas I never truly lack, I have so much stuff in my head, but when it comes down to laying it out and creating something magnificent or being productive that's where my brain stops working.
Those are the days I wish I was a writer, musician or poet, they can use words as an outlet and instead of getting too personal or too revealing they can use methaphores (even a paintert can do so), but no I chose to be a different artist and actually have to set up stuff geee and draw things out and even build dioramas (never again, it's kinda fun tho). But sadly I was not blessed with the talent of using words in that way nor do I draw and paint.
Although, I went to Art basel in Miami last year and some of the drawings and paintings looked like something I did in Kindergarden and trust me my work was not pretty, so i guess I could paint as an outlet 9I most likely and up being the artwork instead the canvas)...(I recently found some art stuff from like 1990 and I gotta say it's quite painful to look at)...anyway I just went pretty much off topic where was oh yea... mix my recent lack of focus, too many ideas and no outlet and my heroic procrastinating self together and you got the perfect cake...(that's for those who like cake, which I don't)
Long story short (bit too late) I am alive, I wasn't online for the last two weeks because of finals and other stuff (although I did email some of you and such...gotta love those smart phones lol).
So I gotta go back to work my desk now....
have a blessed week

Song of the week (or the last few weeks)..i just cant seem to stop listening!!!
She is soo incredible live, and i admire her for so many things...she inspires me in so many levels but that's a story for another blog :)

Monday, June 6, 2011

I never know what to put here :)

It has been a while since I've signed in on here and posted something.
Lots has been going on (good and bad) and you'd think I have much to talk about, but honestly I never quite know what to say or write about.
We all have a time in life where one hits a point on the road and you just don't quite know where your head is (I think I left mine on my neighbors bed), thats where I am right now (NO, not on my neighbors bed)
Life throws the good the bad and the ugly in our way, not asking if we are ready and prepared to face the challenge or not.
I think if we had the choice we would miss out on some pretty great stuff, sure the bad would not be there either, but a lot of "bad" helps us grow, makes us stronger and prepares us for other things that might soon follow.
So take life as it is grab the bad by the horns, fight it and learn from it...!!
ramble, ramble ;)
Those where my two cents....gotta go get some work done and find my head
hope you guys have a great week
currently reading: (I haven't quite started it yet, but the few pages I did read are super incredible)

Sunday, May 15, 2011

holdria juchu (tha's suppossed to be a yodel)

Hey there,
I was told that if I have a blog I have to update more then I do.
This blog is all about my random brain function so I guess I should have more updates....
Lots has happened over the last few weeks and days.
Some are good things and some bad things, but guess what that's life, not everything is going to be as sweet as Candy.
I went to Vancouver a few weeks ago to take Photos of a conference, I was asked if I wanted to go 1 hr before the plane left. Short notice?! I think so :)....
Since I was a teenager (long time ago) going to Vancouver has been one of my biggest dream so who was I to say no? So I said yes, packed in a hurry and left (I didn't get to see much of the country itself).
It was an amazing opportunity and I do not regret going, the whole experience was such a blessing. The people there are so friendly and warm hearted (that's not a word is it? If it wasn't, now it is). I felt right at home and it was hard to leave (yes even if it was just 1 day).
Couple days or weeks later my Uncle passed away, even though we knew it would happen (he had a pretty aggressive cancer), it still hit us hard when he went home. I might not have seen him often due to living on different parts of the word, but I am a person that values the meaning of family, (relatives and friends included). This is one of the most important things to me, I'd do almost everything for family....
So yea it hit hard, but I had a great support system (friends) who were there and gave me the strenth i needed. SO thanks to all of you

Thursday, March 24, 2011

50 Unexplainable Black & White Photos

This is a super fun collection of weird Black and white Photographs.
It's def. worth to look at

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Alexia Sinclair

If you have not yet heard of Alexia Sinclair and you are interested in digital art and Photography she is the person you should check out.
Her work is pretty amazing (in a somewhat cheesy way, I love it tho).
She has won many awards with her work, which is mostly based on history and fashion.
Alexia is mostly known for her series "The Royal Dozen" and "The Regal Twelve".
The most interesting fact, she does all her post production, and usually creates the props, costumes and make up herself.
Links: official website

Saturday, March 5, 2011

My Big Sis

My older sister is currently serving as a Teacher in an Orphanage in the "bush" of Namibia, Africa.
She has to face many challenges and nothing is the way she thought it would be.
Besides having to deal with the cultural difference there is always the danger of nature. Right now they are preparing for an emergency evacuation due to flooding, so they have to basically transfer 60 Children that aren't very well behaved and a few babies to a new and still unknown place. At this time they are still trying to find a place that will take the group in so they have a place to pitch their tents.
Anyway a few weeks ago she came out off her room and as soon as she opened the door a green Mamba fell down and almost on top of her, yesterday she was taking a walk with the children when they were "attacked" by a black Mamba. No one knows what possessed her or came over her but she beat the snake to death. SO they all got away save.
I'd appreciate it if you could keep her in your thoughts and prayers. We don't want her to leave us just yet :) She has a fiance waiting at home and her siblings and parents on the other end:D

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

The Truth about professional Photographers

This video was send to me by my teacher and I thought I share it with you.
It's pretty funny but sadly very true!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Love her!!!

Gabriel Revere is an amazingly talented Photographer and one of my favorites so to speak.
I once had the honor to contact her about an interview for one of my college classes, due to our different and her very stressful and busy schedule at the time it never worked out.
She has worked with many Celebrities such as, Avril, Justin Bieber, Alexz Johnson , Lindsey Wixson ...and many more.
She is definitely one of those Photogs to check out!

Here is a link to a great interview with her:
