Friday, June 17, 2011

Alive, 25 and kicking

Well after seeing some of my grades maybe not so much anymore.....
Yeaya I was kind of slacking this quarter shoot me, I'm not the youngest anymore!!! Girl just got tired in the end and needed a break.
I was always one of those trying to reach an almost perfect score (only In college, I hated HS) but I guess unless you carry my cousins last name or my older sisters first name that ain't possible.
I'm going to Art college and although being book-smart is a must, being creative is more important.
The creative ideas I never truly lack, I have so much stuff in my head, but when it comes down to laying it out and creating something magnificent or being productive that's where my brain stops working.
Those are the days I wish I was a writer, musician or poet, they can use words as an outlet and instead of getting too personal or too revealing they can use methaphores (even a paintert can do so), but no I chose to be a different artist and actually have to set up stuff geee and draw things out and even build dioramas (never again, it's kinda fun tho). But sadly I was not blessed with the talent of using words in that way nor do I draw and paint.
Although, I went to Art basel in Miami last year and some of the drawings and paintings looked like something I did in Kindergarden and trust me my work was not pretty, so i guess I could paint as an outlet 9I most likely and up being the artwork instead the canvas)...(I recently found some art stuff from like 1990 and I gotta say it's quite painful to look at)...anyway I just went pretty much off topic where was oh yea... mix my recent lack of focus, too many ideas and no outlet and my heroic procrastinating self together and you got the perfect cake...(that's for those who like cake, which I don't)
Long story short (bit too late) I am alive, I wasn't online for the last two weeks because of finals and other stuff (although I did email some of you and such...gotta love those smart phones lol).
So I gotta go back to work my desk now....
have a blessed week

Song of the week (or the last few weeks)..i just cant seem to stop listening!!!
She is soo incredible live, and i admire her for so many things...she inspires me in so many levels but that's a story for another blog :)

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